Multiplayer doesn’t work in the traditional sense in No Man’s Sky, as no one’s ever really a host.

You can play together with any save file, provided you’re in the same mode You can still, however, cause a minor geological incident that results in a mate being buried underground you just can’t hurt them directly! 8. After that’s done, just pan back to your game with the updated settings and voila! You won’t be able to take a chunk out of someone else by accident anymore, despite your best efforts. Navigate to that part of the menu and make sure that the “Can damage players” option is set to No one. The way you do that is by adjusting your Network Settings. That way, you don’t have to worry about someone shanking you in the back.

However, you can turn friendly fire off in No Man’s Sky if you’re wanting a session that’s more about team bonding and custard creams than every astronaut out for themselves. Previously, we would have recommended extreme caution when it comes to brandishing your multitool at people in the area, since this would generally be a matter of your phasers being set to “kicking your mates’ asses” mode. Friendly fire can now be turned on and off Keep that in mind when the going gets tough during No Man’s Sky’s tougher excursions. One thing to note you have to be in close proximity (basically next to each other) in order to make a trade, so it’s not going to work if the donor or recipient decides to run off mid-transaction. To give something to another player, all you need to do is enter your inventory, hit “Transfer”, but make sure you separate out the exact number you’re wishing to part with beforehand, otherwise you’ll give them your entire stockpile, and they might not be willing to ever give it back. No longer will you have to desperately scrounge a planet’s surface for the right resource to keep your exosuit up and running, but simply ask a nearby buddy for the required mats (should they have any spare), and they can wire it over to your inventory within a matter of seconds. As a game all about having the right chemicals for the right job, No Man’s Sky’s survival gameplay is made a lot easier now that you can trade almost any of your inventory items with party members.